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first daughter中文是什么意思

用"first daughter"造句"first daughter"怎么读"first daughter" in a sentence


  • 第一女儿


  • And let the first daughter cause a scene with photographers hanging around
  • Jin - young , my first daughter
  • I think you ' d get all this attention if you weren ' t the first daughter
  • First daughter anna foster took a carriage ride with the mayor of prague and his wife
  • Since my first daughter was born eight years ago , i haven t been able to ski as often
  • Rowling ' s first daughter , jessica rowling , turns 13 years old today . happy birthday , jessica , and have a great day
  • The first daughter to get married wrote back only two days after the wedding . the letter consisted of a single message : " maxwell coffee "
    第一个女儿结婚后两天就写了一封信,信里面就短短的几个字, " maxwell咖啡。
  • The actress gwyneth paltrow and her husband chris martin , the coldplay singer , celebrated the birth of their first daughter , but raised eyebrows by naming her apple
    5月,影坛才女格温妮丝-帕特洛和“酷玩”乐队主唱手克里斯-马丁迎来了他们第一个孩子的诞生,夫妇俩给女儿起了个可爱的名字? ? “苹果” 。
  • Arvella , his wife , has been an encouragement to our family along the way . and jeanne , one of their daughters , when she attended wheaton college , was the babysitter for our first daughter . so we ve had a family connection for a long time
  • Being a teacher is my dream , because i am to be a great person , the person near me is my mother , my mother is the first daughter in her family , my mother is very responsible to my aunt and uncle , and she is a good mother to me
用"first daughter"造句  
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